In the trucking industry, one of the major reasons of injuries among the drivers is the manual operation of the landing gear. Raising and lowering the landing gear of loaded trucks and trailers can cause several ergonomic injuries, which in turn bounds the owners to bear more expenses on workers’ compensation premiums. Seeking and implementing air-powered landing gear automation can address the issues positively and also help the trucking business benefit from a myriad of benefits.

Advantages highlighted and explained
A massive amount of force is necessary to uplift and bring down the landing gear of big vehicles, like trucks and trailers. The torque power essential to develop for operating the gears is high. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has embraced the technology of air operated landing gear automation as it can minimize the risk of injuries among the drivers to a significant level. It is time for our readers to get familiar with all the advantages that landing gear automation can benefit your trucking business with.

1. Both men and women (of any age) can operate it efficiently and raise/lower a fully-loaded truck wins 10 seconds using it.
2. Minimizes equipment damages and requires almost zero maintenance
3. You can easily pair it with any landing gear
4. It utilizes patented technology
5. It can function in both high and low gear and can bear extreme weather conditions.
6. No electric power is necessary
With the help of this device, the drivers can easily elevate and bring down the landing gear of a fully-loaded trailer within a mere 10 seconds period. They do not even require exerting any amount of force as by pressing a button only the landing gear can be raised and lowered. Power comes from the air, and the air supply is sourced directly from the existing emergency air brake line. It operates the landing gear in lesser time using almost no force and also does not use any other auxiliary power. Landing gear automation is an investment that will help trucking business owners attract new drivers and retain their existing ones.
Our On-Lift Model 2000 by Patriot Lift

Our On-Lift Model 2000 is one of our finest offerings and an effective patented landing gear automation dominating the market worldwide. Virtually, you do not need to spend anything on its maintenance. The air power that drives the motor of the device is channeled from the Emergency Brake System of the truck/trailer only, so there will be no need to use any extra auxiliary power. The motor guarantees robust performance and has undergone testing over 30,000 cycles under extreme load with no signs of failure. Even if it is subjected to severe drops and hooks every day, the motor will keep performing as long as 20 years. In addition to all these positive traits, the machine can withstand extreme temperate (severe weather conditions) exceptionally well for years. It is indeed a quality investment if judged from every possible angle. Our team of experts can help you install this machine within two hours time frame only, and it will not be a bulky addition to your vehicle (weighs just 10 lbs).

The On-Lift automatic air-powered landing gear from the Patriot Lift Company is recognized as the world leader in manufacturing, developing, designing, and offering air-powered landing gear automation solutions for the trucking industry.