The New Trailer Technology ON-Lift 2000 & 2000HD Made Raising & Lowering Trailers Easy

On Lift
3 min readMay 17, 2021

If you want to save your time, converse energy, avoid injuries and eliminate manual cracking, using automatic air-powered landing gear for trailers could be your choice It’s time to connect with the world’s most powerful air powered landing gear and rear stabilizer On-Lift 2000 and On-Lift 2000HD.

The New trailer technology raises and lowers trailer landing gear in less than 10-second. The most effective and reliable patented automatic air powered landing gear for trucks on the market. It is capable of lifting up to 60,000 lb trailer in a few seconds. The air power is delivered from the Emergency Brake System, so no auxiliary power is required.

Air Powered Landing Gear On-Lift 2000 & 2000HD: Advantages

Any machine or device, or anything that is automatic can reduce the workload; so air-powered landing gears On-Lift 2000 and 2000HD are no exception. The highly powerful automation processes used in these landing gears have made lifting and landing the trailers easy, smooth and hassle-free.

As we have seen before, with the help of manual techniques, landing and raising trailers were not only challenging but also tiresome, due to the reason, workers used to raise and lower the landing gears a lot of risks. But the new trailer technology air-powered landing gears have been gradually reduced the risks. The benefits of using automatic landing gears are many.

It is undeniable that safety comes first with the workers, who are associated with the trucking industry. They are likely to get injured whilst working with the trailers, for instance driving or landing the gear for trailers. So to bear in mind the hassle, and to keep your workers safe, automatic landing gears On-Lift 2000 and 2000HD are second to none.

With the help of air-powered landing gears, truck drivers can easily turn on and off to raise and low a fully loaded trailer in less than 10-second. And, at the same time, the landing gears will help you gain more profit because less time spent on raising and lowering the trailers. Thus, it will help your truck drivers focus more on their field of work.

On-lift landing gear automation 2000 is highly capable of lifting 60,000 lb trailer. This new trailer technology can raise and lower the landing gear in less than 20 seconds. It is very easy to operate. You just need a finger tip force to raise and lower a fully loaded trailer.

On the other hand, On-lift landing gear automation 2000HD is highly capable of lifting 100,000 lbs. This latest trailer technology has 107 ft/lb. stall torque and 160 RPM free speed. The landing gears can eliminate ergonomic injuries that are quite common in this industry. The best thing is — they are capable to eliminate the need of performing high torque manual task of up to 100 Ft/lbs. with a task that needs less than 1 lb.

Finishing Lines

Let us close by saying with the new trailer technology, you can save your precious time, energy and avoid injuries. Needless to mention, the air-powered landing gear On-Lift from Patriot Lift Company is gaining popularity among the truck drivers. This type of landing gear helps truck drivers reduce workers compensation costs and eliminate injuries that are most common in trucking industry.



On Lift

On-Lift is the most effective and reliable patented landing gear automation on the market worldwide.14 White Birch Lane, Units C&D, York, ME, USA