Tired of Looking for Ways to Retain your Women Truck Drivers? Onlift is at your Rescue!
Onlift is among the leading companies to come up with advanced mechanisms for automated landing gear, rear stabilizer air powered automation, which is cost as well as time effective for trucking industries.
Its advanced mechanism is designed in a way that it can lift up a 60,000 lb trailer, and the unit doesn’t even weigh more than 10 lbs. The ON-Lift pneumatic landing gear system can perform raising and lowering landing gear for the tractor trailers in less than 10 seconds, and almost no maintenance is needed.
Often trucking industries observe truckers, especially women truckers complaining of back pain and exhaustion, which eventually results in high rate of absenteeism and drop outs. This issue can be solved in a jiffy, if trucking industries adapt to Onlift’s automated gears. It will help the trucking industries to get more work done in less time; also the rate of absenteeism and drop outs will lessen.
Increase in productivity and output is a must with Onlift’s automated gear, rear stabilizer air powered automation.

As seen in trucking industries, many of them do not use automated mechanism, which in return affects the truckers in the following ways:
i. The efficiency of truckers is affected,
ii. Low morale,
iii. Productivity as well as retention of truckers is impacted.
iv. They tend to get tired fast, due to lack of automation;
v. Productivity is not always up to the mark.
vi. They complain of health issues such as back pain and exhaustion
vii. Usually they ask for voluntary retirement
Our current focus area is to enable trucking industries to retain their truckers, more precisely women truckers. Because Leading Trucking Industries have been stressing on the need to recruit and retain more women drivers as a solution to the driver shortage, as women drivers are observed to be more productive and dedicated towards their job.
Onlift offers completely automated landing and loading gears which will enable the truckers to execute safe landing and loading, without it impacting their health, efficiency or morale.
It is more benefitting for the women truckers, and it will help the trucking industries to retain women truckers.
Let’s have a look at why it is beneficial for industries to retain women truckers:
i. Women truck drivers are observed to be more satisfied in most areas with their carriers.
ii. Women feel less bored at work in comparison to men.
iii. They tend to feel more fairly compensated and satisfied with their home time, this eventually results in the high morale of women truck driver Retention.
iv. Women drivers score higher in the aspect of Pre-Turnover Thoughts, which implies that they are less likely to be thinking of leaving their present carriers than male drivers.
v. In comparison to male drivers, the women drivers don’t go for job change more often. They stay dedicated to one job for a large span rather than the male.
Talking about whose more productive, both are, but women truck drivers are leading the graph.
Onlift is a leading name in the trucking industry; we always work on technology and constantly update our products to make the loading and landing hassle free, by making it completely automated.
Look no further, order units today and you will be amazed to find out, how Onlift benefits your team efficiency and productivity.